If you have a warrant, please contact The Law Offices of Michael Spevack, Esq. for warrant resolution services in researching and quashing your warrant(s).
What to do about an Arrest Warrant
DMV & Failure To Appear In Court
If your driver’s license has been suspended, we will obtain for you the Failure to Appear clearance from the court. You can then take the cleared document to the Department of Motor Vehicles and have your driver’s license reinstated.
- If you fail to appear in court at the time and date indicated on your Traffic Ticket or Criminal Offense case, the court may issue a warrant for your arrest.
- You may also be issued a warrant if you fail to follow a previous court order. For example, if you did not pay a previously issued fine ordered by the court, or if you did not complete court ordered classes or programs.
- With one call to my Law Office at (212) 754-1011, I can begin the process of quashing your warrant within minutes. In most cases, your warrant is QUASHED THE SAME DAY you call!
- We fight to keep you out of court and OUT OF JAIL!
- We also assist in the negotiation of the original, underlying case which caused the Warrant to be issued in the first place—clearing the matter up once and for all! In most cases, the charges relating to the original case will be drastically reduced.
If you have a warrant, please contact The Law Offices of Michael Spevack, Esq. for warrant resolution services in researching and quashing your warrant(s). In most cases, we are able to quash your warrant within 24 hours — the very same day you retain our services! This is important to ensure that the situation does not escalate leading to higher fines, jail time, bail costs, and negative credit rating.
A Warrant for your arrest will also cause the DMV to suspend your driver’s license and will show up on background checks that may stop you from being hired for a job or cause difficulties with your current employer.
Give us a Call (212) 754-1011
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